What to know about fatty liver disease?
What is Fatty liver disease?
Fatty liver disease, which is also known as hepatic steatosis, is a condition where excess fat builds up in the liver. This fat buildup can cause inflammation and damage to the liver over the period of time, leading to more serious liver problems such as cirrhosis, liver failure, or liver cancer.
Fatty liver disease can be caused because of variety of factors, including obesity, insulin resistance, high cholesterol or triglycerides, excessive alcohol consumption, and certain medications. Other factors, such as viral hepatitis and autoimmune liver disease, can also lead to fatty liver disease.
In its early stages, fatty liver disease may not produce any symptoms. However, as the disease progresses, one may experience fatigue, weakness, abdominal pain, swelling in the abdomen, and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes).
Fatty liver disease is typically diagnosed through a combination of physical exams, blood tests, imaging tests, and liver biopsies. Blood tests can show elevated liver enzymes and high levels of triglycerides, while imaging tests like ultrasound, CT scans, or MRI can show the presence of fat in the liver. A liver biopsy may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis and determine the severity of the disease.
The treatment for fatty liver disease depends on its cause and severity. If the disease is caused by obesity or a high-fat diet, losing weight and making lifestyle changes can help reduce the amount of fat in the liver. For alcohol-related fatty liver disease, quitting alcohol is critical to prevent further damage to the liver. Medications may be prescribed to manage underlying conditions such as diabetes or high cholesterol. In severe cases, a liver transplant may be necessary.
Silymarin, an extract from milk thistle seeds, has been used for centuries to treat hepatic conditions. Preclinical data indicate that silymarin can reduce oxidative stress and consequent cytotoxicity, thereby protecting intact liver cells or cells not yet irreversibly damaged. Silymarin is said to keep toxins from attaching to liver cells. It also holds free radicals in check. Milk thistle is an effective liver detox which helps in the management of fatty liver and also addresses other liver disorders. iNeutra Livosatv is also a very effective liver management supplement which not only contains Silymarin (Milk thistle) but also ALA, Selenium, Vitamin B1.
The best way to prevent fatty liver disease is to adopt healthy habits such as maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, limiting alcohol consumption, and avoiding medications that can damage the liver.
In conclusion, fatty liver disease is a common condition that can cause serious liver damage if left untreated. If you have risk factors for fatty liver disease, such as obesity or excessive alcohol consumption, it’s important to take steps to prevent the disease and seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms. By adopting healthy habits and working with your healthcare provider, you can reduce your risk of developing it and protect your liver health.